TPA Realty, founded in 1992, specializes in acting as buyers?brokers, principally in Tuxedo Park and vicinity. This permits us to give our undivided loyalty and unbiased professional advice to buyers in a small but confusing market place. Over the years, Mike Santoianni, Principal Broker and Chris Sonne, Associate Broker, have assisted numerous clients in acquiring properties in Tuxedo Park and its vicinity, ranging from large parcels of land and buildable lots to houses and historic homes of all sizes.
In a market in which virtually no properties are identical and in which the median home in the last few years has sold on average significantly below the last offering price, advice on pricing is essential. Obviously the listing agent is representing the best interests of the seller and, when promoting their listing and when presenting comparables, is likely to select those of high prices. An experienced broker on your side may be expected to make a significant difference in a buyer�s knowledge of the subject property and the outcome of negotiations. TPA Realty is experienced in educating both buyers and sellers to the fair market value of properties.
Important aspects of the house acquisition process are (a) the evaluation of property value, of which TPA Realty is expert, and (b) the engineering inspection, which usually takes place just before contract signing, but after an agreement in principle on price subject to the results of the inspection is reached. Having a broker knowledgeable about problems found in our historic houses can save you trouble, as well as money. TPA Realty is experienced in identifying significant actual and potential problems in new and old houses and is always present while the engineering inspector you have selected is evaluating a prospective home for you.
Brokers Mike Santoianni and Chris Sonne would be happy to discuss the advantages of working with potential new clients either to assist them in locating and acquiring property as Buyer�s Agents and/or to market and sell their properties as listing Broker-Realtor in the Greater Hudson Multiple Listing System working with all other licensed Brokers and Realtors in the region and in the USA to sell your home.
Read More about why need a Buyer's Agent at
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